Background: Please confirm your internet is working directly with modem/Ethernet cable before installing your router. Then, double check your physical connection as below
The difference between the cable& ADSL modem:
1.A cable modem is connecting to a TV cable but an ADSL modem is connecting to a phone line.
2.Cable modem’s internet is automatic and can not be shared, most ADSL modem’s internet can be shared to more users.
3.Some ADSL modem’s internet can not be shared and need to use a third-party or windows built-in PPPoE dialing up software to access the internet
IWhen a computer connects directly to the ADSL modem, you need to use a third-party or windows built-in PPPoE dialing up software to access the internet like below:
IIIf your computer (directly connected to your ADSL Modem) is able to access the Internet automatically without running any additional program and it’s can be shared to more users.
iiYour internet service provider offers you a username and password. Before you buy the TP-Link router, you need to use a third-party or windows built-in PPPoE dialing up software to access the internet.
iiiYour internet service provider provides static IP address for you. Before you buy the TP-Link router, you need to configure ip address manually on a computer to access the internet.
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