

    TP-Link 2010 New Year's Party

    To welcome the arrival of the New Year, as well as to create a space for staff self-expression, on December 29th, TP-Link held a talent show to showcase not only that TP-Link staff members are very hard-working, but talented as well.

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    The gala was attended by nearly all of TP-Link’s staff from the company's main headquarters. The event had many facets showcasing fashion, hip-hop, and elegant dance; cheerful songs and heart warming duets; both humorous pieces and touching dialogue; even the essence of traditional Chinese culture with kung fu and calligraphy demonstrations. Youthful vigor and style were displayed throughout the evening, showing TP-Link staff’s infinite self-confidence and hope for the future.

    The party was not just a visual feast, but also a moment to reflect on the past year. Going forward, TP-Link employees are writing their own future with their dreams of passion and vitality, painting a bright future with gorgeous colors. As TP-Link Director of International business, Jeffrey Chao said, “In the previous year, we succeeded in completing a number of outstanding achievements. And even though our next dreams seem far away, we need to put in every effort today in order to realize those dreams tomorrow.”