

    TP-Link Wins Bronze Award from iXBT in Russia

    In an annual voting event - “iXBT Brand 2011 – Reader’s Choice”, TP-Link won the Bronze Award in the Wireless Category with a support rate at 14.5%. The voting event was held by iXBT.com, the top networking website in Russia and more than 6000 readers were involved, making this voting result more trustworthy and reliable.
    TP-Link’s support rate improves by 8.8% compared with last year, which indicates its continued dedication to the Russian market. To live up to this award, TP-Link will better serve the Russian market with its local tech support and customer service team in 2012. 
    About iXBT
    iXBT is a top networking website in Russia with monthly traffic of over 1,900,000.
    See more about this award, click here!


    Bronze Award